Anissa Lotti. Passionate about seeing people walk in freedom and truth, seeing hope restored in the lives of the hopeless, and chicken tenders. She was born and raised in Georgia, embarrasses herself daily, and loves to laugh. She dances her way through life with joy, but isn’t scared to share the messy, raw, vulnerable pieces with others. She dreams of writing a book, backpacking Europe, and becoming a momma to children needing to experience of the love of the Father. She has two siblings, one dog, one cat, and two deceased hamsters (may they rest in peace). Anissa currently resides in Buford, Georgia.
Faith Craver. Faith was born and raised in Colorado. Even though most of her life has been spent in the mountains, she feels most at home when she is traveling abroad and experiencing new adventures. She is passionate about child advocacy and orphan care, and dreams of moving to Macedonia in order to advocate for neglected children. In the past year, she traveled to 14 different countries, and saw the Lord reshape and redeem her brokenness. She now loves sharing openly and honestly about life’s struggles, and wants to walk others through the transformation vulnerability can bring. Follow her story at
Kayla Zilch. Backpacked thirteen countries this year and still can’t make toast without burning it. Find her making an artful ruckus at
Meghan Tschanz. Believes in love. The kind of love that comforts a prostitute and laughs with children. A love that gives it all and expects nothing in return. The kind of love that Jesus modeled. Human Trafficking gets her riled up and she yearns to see the end of slavery as we know it by bringing kingdom to the Earth. An adventurer at heart, she is dedicated to taking the path less traveled. She lives out her love story here:
Megan Gallear. Native Californian. Writer. Musician. Artist. Teacher. Lover of puzzles, foxes, and good questions. Easily excited at any mention of self-awareness, honest truth, inner healing, and radical living. Dreams of enlightening others about the Enneagram as a tool for spiritual growth and writing books on practical tools for spiritual formation. Hopefully deep and revolutionary thoughts available at