I am tired of being a hot mess.
I’m tired of the constant internal monologues. And the verbal processing.
I’m tired of carrying around my crap like it’s the spare tire around my stomach I’m doing every exercise possible to lose, with little result.
I’m tired of being tired.
I’ve heard that Christ came to bring life and life abundant, so I have to wonder—
How long exactly do I have to be a mess?
At what point have I processed enough?
Will it take six weeks? Six months? Six years?
Do I have to understand my mess to be past it?
I’d like to suggest that though we don’t have to have it all together, we also don’t have to choose to be a mess.
There’s a difference, I think, between being a mess, and being wrecked for the things that break God’s heart. Wrecked for injustice. Or hunger. Or orphans.
And I think that sometimes (and please hear me carefully, here), sometimes, what it takes to stop being a hot mess is to take our eyes and focus them somewhere else. On something bigger than ourselves.
Sometimes, it’s a change of focus.
We stop looking at the problem—now, so magnified in our vision—and start looking around, looking next to us.
We raise our heads and see the single mother in need of groceries. The roommate with a hurting heart. The little boy with an angry dad.
We see the people who need Jesus, and then we have the opportunity to BE Jesus.
Can you think of someone who needs to see Jesus in you this week? Tell us about it, below.