By Stephanie Fisk
It is estimated that nearly 27 million individuals are enslaved around the globe today. Unfortunately, slavery has not disappeared, but is a thriving 30 billion dollar industry. Vulnerable individuals, otherwise known as “the disposable people”, are often tricked into becoming sex slaves, domestic or bonded servants, or child soldiers.
Many are trafficked across borders and live in a state of fear and hopelessness. Not only is this taking place in developing countries, but right here in our own back yard. The United States not only fuels the rising demand of this industry, but aids in supplying the insatiable appetite abroad.
The last week in March, a group of individuals will be biking their way from Phoenix to the Grand Canyon and back again. This eight-day, 450-mile round-trip bike ride will also include a 20-mile hike through the Canyon itself.
The purpose of the journey is found beyond the bikers’ personal gain it lies in furthering the Kingdom of God. The goal: to raise awareness about Modern Day Slavery that will motivate a generation to action. It’s a call for the body to step up and fight for justice. Please join us the week of March 23rd in the fight for justice.
Two participants in the bike ride, Eric Hanson and I, Stephanie Fisk, have just finished serving a year abroad with a program called The World Race. During this experience, our eyes were not only opened to a hurt and broken world, but our hearts and souls awoke to a God who heals and restores. A God who’s heart beats through his body here on earth – a heart that wakes up individuals to their passions and dreams. The raw beauty that explodes when our passions meet the needs of the world is breath-taking.
Personally, I am passionate about women and kids who are lured into the sex industry and a generation that is searching for purpose. The Lord calls us to intercede on behalf of his children, and this bike ride is just that. Not only are we physically biking to raise awareness on human trafficking, but spiritually we are engaging prayer warriors to fight in the heavenly realms.
So, how can you get involved?
You are more than welcome to join us on the bike ride, even for only a leg of the journey. But if you are not able to make it down to Arizona, you still play an integral role in this adventure. March 23rd (Easter night) through March 31st, at 8pm CST (each night of the bike ride) we are hosting a nation-wide corporate prayer call.
Each night, a guest speaker/organization that is currently combating human trafficking will share testimonies that will both raise awareness and motivate us to action. Stories will be followed by a time of Q&A and corporate prayer. Everyone is invited to participate on these prayer calls. To call in, dial 1-218-486-1600 followed by the access code 472085#.
For more information about the bike ride, organizations involved with the prayer call, and modern-day slavery please keep checking the Adventure section of Wrecked or contact:
[email protected] or [email protected].
If you liked this article check out:
Bangkok Underground: Seeing the sex industry first-hand
Biking Against Human Trafficking, Pt. 2
Stephanie Fisk spent 2006 traveling to the forty-eight contiguous states, doing servant ministry. She has a heart to call the least and the deserted to a great wedding feast. In 2007, she traveled the world and just finished up her year-long pilgrimage in November. She is now an advocate for human trafficking and calling others to experience the abundant life in Jesus.