This is a guest post by my friend Sam Walter. His eyes for the world and for life are different than most men in their twenties. He brings it. He loves life. His passion shakes things. And, he has a great beard. Check out his blogs here.
Someone once said that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
But what if that is a mistake?
What if that mindset has caused us to pursue a perversion of what is not actually real.
Instead of a basis of truth, we’re misguided by the basis of what we feel.
Let me appeal to common sense.
Though in this present tense, it is all but common.
Beauty is driven by the opinions of a few.
In turn, implanting ideas into the general public of what they need to do.
Reach the pinnacle achievement of beauty.
But really, they are making fools of you and me.
We equate beauty to things like power, wealth, or status.
In my observation this is not the mindset of one population.
Or just one singular nation.
In America we’re told to darken our skin while in Asia beauty comes in the form of a lighter melanin.
In Africa the bigger you are the more beauty you have.
So pick your jaw up off your feet, cause in most eyes it shows that you’ve had a little something to eat.
Beauty is not caked in makeup.
Shoving fingers down one’s throat.
And there is no beauty in the headline of “Bulimia She Wrote.”
Surgery to add a little of this or remove a little of that.
Why is there so much freaking emphasis on being too short or tall, too thin or fat.
So why does this happen?
We jump through more hoops than what you see at the circus.
Do one thing and then ask what else.
All the while they continue to jerk us.
Hook, line, and sinker.
We have young girls thinking they’re ugly cause they don’t look like the
emaciated, airbrushed, photo shopped model on Glamour or Cosmo.
That is a huge tragedy you know.
So I say to hell with beauty being determined by some beholder.
Maybe its time for many of us to grow a little bolder.
So here’s to a new mindset.A new standard.
A new definition of beauty.
That men and women alike begin to recognize something greater.
That their beauty is no defined by some farce of a beholder.
But is instead found through the eyes of their Creator.