Have you ever considered just how hard it is to share you deepest, darkest secrets on the internet? Out there for the whole world to see?
It’s not easy. Especially when those secrets are deeply rooted in shame.
Recently, Lacey posted one such blog that shared things she wouldn’t normally broadcast to the world. Her close friends know her story, people who inquire know her story, but she hadn’t previously shouted it from the blogosphere mountain tops. I sat down with her while she was struggling to figure out what to say, and how to say it.
“I don’t really know how it’s going to be taken. There’s this mixture between terror and freedom. You’re putting your heart out there and it could be attacked but it’s also a freeing thing because you don’t have to keep your heart inside anymore. You don’t have to keep it in a cage, in the dark, there’s no more secrets.”
Lacey’s story has shaped who she is today, made her stronger because she has chosen to step out of shame, out of darkness, and into the light.
“A big part of my life was keeping everything in the dark and keeping so many secrets that it became my identity, a secret keeper. And now that’s not who I am. I’m someone who speaks truth and life and that’s who God has made me.”
Don’t let keeping secrets become a part of who you are. No matter what you have been through, what you are still struggling with, what you need healing from, speak it out. First, just admit it aloud in an empty room–say it so you can hear it. Admit it to yourself. Then shine light into those dark places by sharing it with more people. Seek help and guidance if you need it, but don’t let those secrets stay hidden. Be brave, speak it out, and know that there are others waiting to tell you that you have never been alone.