By Heather Carney
Picture the body of a man. He is no ordinary man, and quite frankly a bit out of order these days…
Nose protruding from the top of His head
Mouth located on the end of His elbow
Feet sticking out of His knees
No eyes or ears on His face
Sounds a bit ridiculous, I know. But this is what the Body of Christ now looks like: in complete disarray, out of order, and not functioning properly. How can the parts function properly when they are in the wrong place? My, my, my… we are a piece of work.
Our Father happens to be a Master Artist and has a specific place for each part. In this sculpture not one piece is wasted.
Each part has a unique purpose and function. Without just one piece, we are not a properly operating body. We are in lack. I am in lack. You are in lack.
He has a place for each one. For me. For you. I need you. You need me.
As the Spirit moves, we must follow. We must obey. First you need to hear. “Do you have ears to hear?” He asks (Mark 4:9). Hear the Spirit, for as the wind blows, He too will blow on your life. Even those precious things you think are completely dead, He has the power to resurrect.
He calls forth to the saints in Cairo, Illinois:
“Rise up! Rise Up! Your destiny is great. My love for you is GREATER. Rise up. In this hour. Do not hesitate, do not hold back. Rise up!”
Have you ever wondered about your purpose in life? Your destiny? Thoughts of what you can offer your spouse? Your family? Your friends? Your community? Your nation? The nations? Yes, my friends, you have something to offer.
Do not yield to the enemy’s lies…
“You are too old. You are too stupid. You are too fat. Too thin. You are not healthy enough. You are too weary and tired. You are not educated enough. Not anointed enough. Too sinful. Too proud. Too weak. Disqualified…”
Well, guess what? He’s not all wrong; you are disqualified by your sin. However, there is a Redeemer who lives, who has qualified you by His grace and love. The Lord God Almighty reigning in you through His Spirit empowers you to do ALL things. So tell the enemy he is a liar and start abiding in Him who saves, Him who is full of Light and Truth! He will fill and empower you! He will make us a body.
“For the sake of your destiny, for the sake of your family, for the sake of this community, for the sake of His Kingdom, and most importantly for the sake of Jesus’ great love… Rise Up Beloved!”
We bless you, we love you beloved of Cairo.
Heather has served as a prayer missionary in Cairo, IL for the past three years with Two Rivers Ministry/Cairo House of Prayer ( A woman of many passions – most of all seeing the glory of God manifest in people’s lives, she is pretty much addicted to testimonies. Her heart is to see the Body of Christ rise up in unity, love and power revealing the true character of Christ to the world. You canfind her online