By Kim Daniels and Matt Snyder
When the girls working the bars as prostitutes in Thailand reach the point where they are looking for a way out, there is a place for them to go. It’s called “The Well”. It’s a home, a school, a workplace, and a family with a goal in mind: to restore that which has been in shambles, reconcile that which has been broken, and give hope where it has been deferred.
Bangkok, Thailand has thousands of bars with thousands of women who believe that selling themselves is the only option for survival. Some have been forced into this lifestyle and others have been deceived into it. But “The Well” is different than the bars; it’s a safe place where women can begin to build another life for themselves and their children by learning life skills and making high quality jewelry and crafts as an occupation. She learns more than life skills though.
Women at “The Well” learn that their intrinsic value has nothing to do with what men will pay for them. Instead, they learn that their identity and their value comes from God alone. They’re not prostitutes, dancers, pretty ladies, or objects to be gawked at. They are daughters, beloved, chosen, and cherished. The Thai word is “Narimon”, a word for what Jesus now calls them: pure, immaculate, flawless, virgin, innocent, spotless, stainless, queen.
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Matt is an ordinary radical who just finished an 11-month, 11-country pilgrimage around the globe with the World Race. In early January he’s moving to Port Huron, MI to work on staff with the same organization. Matt loves to see the Kingdom of God manifest itself in the most unlikely places through his own life. He loves Jesus and hopes that you do, too.