There is a time in life that you realize you are made for something much larger than the current life you’re leading.
A deep call inside for much greater than the current.
We look at people like Mother Teresa, Billy Graham, Heidi Baker or more personally, Katie Davis and think ONE DAY I will achieve what I’m truly made for.
We all want to do something outrageous and daring and adventurous.
Something that brings the name of Jesus to the nations and fulfillment to our own hearts.
I had that moment. I was laying on my dorm room floor begging for a reason to live.
Failing college classes and finding my fulfillment in the world. Yeah, my “moment” was drastic…
but everyone has a moment.
The unexplainable feeling deep within that there’s more to this life.
After I had that moment, I freaked out and knew I had to do something big.
I went on the World Race and saw the world… the good, the bad, and the ugly.
A passion ignited in my heart that I can’t even put into words.
I now know there are millions of babies in the world that are desperate for a family to call their own.
I now know there are millions of women dancing on bar stools, begging for the attention of any passerby.
I now know there are millions of boys living on the streets that are made to be disciples… but are just a little misled.
I know it all… but what am I doing about it?
As I sit here, I look down at the nameless dirt covered orphan on the background of my Iphone and get a little nauseas.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see the “End It” sticker on my flimsy aspiration filled journal and get a little dizzy.
I am well aware of the mess of this world, but don’t do much about it.
Yeah, I see that picture and that sticker daily, but when the sun sets at the end of the day, I’ve done nothing.
A lot of talk floats around America, especially among Christian communities, but not much is done beyond that.
Hundreds of thousands gather in churches and conferences annually to rally together and scream the name of Jesus and get pumped about ending human trafficking and the orphan epidemic…
Hearts are touched and lives are called…
But, walking out of those doors, within days if not minutes, apathy or inadequacy leaks in and fills once passionate hearts.
There is a lot of talk of revival, but little action to follow.
Simply vocalizing epidemics doesn’t change anything.
Ultimately, the light of Jesus is necessary to end these things. Not just concerned conversations about such subjects.
It’s so easy to post a status on Facebook or retweet a well worded quote about what’s going on in the world … but what good does that do?
Bring attention to ourselves?
I often throw around how there are “143,000,000 orphans in the world.”
It slips off my tongue so apathetically.
As if it really is a number and not 143,000,000 disciples that are lost and waiting to know their purpose.
Aside from raising superficial awareness, I must beg God to show me what he truly wants me to do with this knowledge.
Once words turn to action, the world will be turned upside down.
We say big things and then comfortably fall back into the mundane.
There is a fear implanted deep down that we can’t really make a difference in this messed up world.
That the problems are too big and epidemics too intense for a flimsy human to really have an impact.
Which is true, but we have the spirit of a living passionate ferocious loving God who yearns to use us.
He has plans for us that we can’t even comprehend.
Yes, conferences and services and stickers and Facebook status’s are okay…
but we need to let that lead us to do something and not let the extent of it be a conversation over coffee.
Instead of mumbling about your ongoing passion to go overseas, get a plane ticket.
Instead of settling for a mundane routine life, do something crazy for the Kingdom.
Instead of complaining that you want to do more and are tired of your nine to five… quit the nine of five and get on with it.
Do more.
We are the ones missing out when we settle for simple awareness.
So, do something.