By Jody Matheson
No one has ever confused me for a fashionista. Mostly because I don’t know what a fashionista is. On the other hand, I thought I knew what the Armor of God was. I had studied it, and even spoke on it in ministry and gospel outreach meetings. At one time, I tried to illustrate the message by dressing an assistant in goalie equipment.
What can I say? I’m Canadian.
I was quite excited to read more about this topic that I felt very passionate about. But it wasn’t any of the prose that first caught my attention in Rick Renner’s Dressed to Kill.
It was the table of contents. With a quick browse, I found it interesting that the actual items of the Armor of God wouldn’t start until chapter 10!
I wondered what Mr. Renner could possibly have to say before getting to the meat of the matter? I was worried that this book would drag on at 465 pages.
That concern was quickly allayed. I found myself just a few pages in and having truths revealed about my own Christian failures that have prevented me from fully living a crucified life.
Truly, Mr. Renner has produced a work that has a wide reaching appeal with practical application. His liberal use of scriptural reference, and his almost word-by-word analysis of the Greek within the context of Ephesians 6:11-18, make this book exceptional.
The depth that Mr. Renner goes to in order to develop what spiritual warfare is, the wiles the devil uses, and the weapons available to the reader are thorough and engaging. As Mr. Renner writes, “The bottom line is this: If people focus only on the devil as they pursue the subject of spiritual warfare and fail to consider other equally important areas, their emphasis on spiritual warfare and will be very damaging to them.” (Pg 22)
Each chapter ends with questions for personal growth or group discussion, and a page for notes, which was a great way to review the rich material presented. Additionally, a glossy 16-page insert brings to life the Roman Armor of the First and Second Centuries.
Full colour pictures and illustrations help understand the principals that Paul is teaching by showing us what Paul may have been surrounded by in his time of imprisonment while writing to the Church in Ephesus.
This book will take you through a thorough examination of the scriptures. It will demonstrate your victorious position over the Satan. It will give you a full understanding of spiritual weaponry. But as Rick Renner sums up, “No matter what challenge you encounter, your ultimate victory depends on whether or not you use the weapons God has provided for you.”
In my humble opinion, I believe you will find Dressed to Kill to be the instruction manual for those very weapons.
About the author: Rick Renner is pastor of the largest church in Russia. He and his wife, Denise, launched a sister church in Kiev which is growing rapidly. Mr. Renner is the author of more than 30 books, including Paid In Full: An In-depth Look at the Defining Moment’s of Christ’s Passion which released in March.
Rating: 5/5
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Jody Matheson needs to polish his armor. A father of two from Canada, Jody works as a producer and on-air video host for a local newspaper website, eh.