By Jason Mann
Closed fists pound the floor
Tears fall and stain the ground
Scream so long, voice gives out
Finally, when nothing’s left
In desperate silence
You Speak….
….And when You speak
Mountains yield their place
Oceans make way
All Creation moves and sways
And My heart begins to soften
My wounds turn to scars
My pain begins to wane
My bitterness begins to sweeten
All this just as He inhales
And then He Spoke….
He who commands the storms
He who created all that is and ever will be
Him whose voice moved creation into being
Everything created shouts His glory
He spoke my name!
What am I that He should even know my name
Why is my story so important that He should attend
Yet here I lay, weeping, hoarse, and tired
And He speaks my name
He opens my clenched fists
He catches every falling tear
He restores my broken voice
And now, in broken comfort
He speaks