By Harold Vance
In Christ
Being in Christ,
My perception is resurrected,
Raised from the death
of dim, dreary cynicism.
I look at the world through new eyes.
Where once I saw despair
And sunk to the depths,
Losing my humanity,
Trading it in,
Now I see hope
Upon hope
Upon hope
Upon Christ,
The firm foundation which supports my life.
And being in Christ
Means being in Grace.
And being in Grace
Means no fear to face,
No fear but the fear of God,
Which isn’t the same
As the fear of death that I once felt
When death came calling my name.
And now I’ve died to myself,
My old ways are dead,
And I’ve rose in new life
With love as the head.
C: 2009, H.F. Vance III.
To listen to the audio that accompanies this piece visit the Holster Myspace site.
Harold lives in the midst of the beautiful mountains and streams of New England, and works as a program guide and teacher at a therapeutic alternative high school program in Vermont. He received his Bachelor’s of Arts in English from Green Mountain College, in Poultney, VT. Harold is currently doing life with the Dwell Missional Community in Burlington, VT, where he is helping to organize a Kingdom arts co-op. The website will be up soon: