Unexpected Valentine

By Kari Miller With Valentines Day here and gone, love is swirling in the air, and yet, do we have any better understanding of how to love deeply and purely than we did yesterday? When the people in ancient times asked Jesus what the most important spiritual truth was, he said to love God and … Continue reading Unexpected Valentine

A Knowledge That Loves

By Amanda Petersen It has to be the case that there is something pressing against simplicity. There has always been this separate desire which seeks to lead me away from the simple and towards the obscure. These days, the distractions come often, but always disguise themselves as a more appetizing pursuit than my current situation. … Continue reading A Knowledge That Loves

Taste and See

By Stephanie Fisk The simple life is not always easy. But it is liberating. Simplicity ushers in true joy that can be found only in life itself. For when life is all you have, you begin to see value in each day, in each conversation, in each word that is spoken… and more importantly, the … Continue reading Taste and See