By Allison Johnston
Todd Bentley takes some getting used to. Before I came to Lakeland I watched on God.TV and I personally found his style offensive and arrogant, but after being here in Lakeland for a few days, I feel like there is here something to address. Todd is getting press, both good and bad, and I have had a lot of emails asking about him, and so, I decided to investigate.
His ministry is different and somewhat rowdier than most others in his profession, but when criticizing I have to wonder what we would have thought about Jesus’ ministry style.
In fact, the Bible shows us how we may have reacted. In John 6 Jesus begins teaching his followers that He is the Bread of Life. The disciples and followers argue with him and grumble among themselves. Some were so offended that they deserted him.
“On hearing it, many of his disciples said ‘This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?’ Aware that his disciples were grumbling about this, Jesus said to them, ‘Does this offend you? What if you see the Son of Man ascend to where he was before!'” John 6:60-62
The first night I walked into the tent I knew there was something different. Within twenty minutes I was repenting before the Lord for my unbelief and doubt. There is a sweet spirit in that place that can only be from God. Most nights begin with an hour or two of amazing worship followed by Todd giving words of knowledge and offering healing to many.
Again, I was skeptical of the healings in the beginning. After watching the process, observing the reactions of those healed, and watching how the ministry team operates, I must admit I am changing my opinion. I do not believe that Todd Bentley must lay his hands on you in order to be healed, or receive the anointing; we can do this for each other. Yet there is something to being here and being stirred by the thousands of people seeking the face of God.
Yes, sometimes I think Todd does put on a bit of a show, but I do believe the anointing in him is powerful and there is integrity in the process. No matter how he behaved people would question and judge, and so I find it refreshing that he continues to minister in his own style despite so much opposition. Last night a cute, little, older lady came forward for healing with her husband. Todd had called out a word of knowledge for a woman with a backbrace and the Lord wanted to heal her.
This precious little lady came forward holding her backbrace in her hand and said she had suffered with cancer of the spine and was bearing the burden of a lot of pain. As we watched she was touched by the Holy Spirit and began jumping up and down. What was the most remarkable to me was the reaction of her husband. He literally wept in relief for his wife’s healing and jumped up and down on stage celebrating. Some twenty minutes later they were both found on the side of the stage praying for this same healing to come to someone else.
The essence of each night is that the anointing is for anyone who wants it. Freely we have received and freely we shall give. Todd makes it a point that the anointing should be taken with us. Come and get it and then return to our cities and take it with us. I can’t think of a family, city, church, school or person who doesn’t need some kind of breakthrough. Maybe it’s a physical or emotional healing, broken marriages and families seeking restoration. The Lord wants to give us this breakthrough; we just need to believe it and be ready to receive.
Are you ready to receive or are you too busy leveling accusations and criticism?
For a critical overview (with both positive and negative criticism), visit the Lakeland Revival Investigation Site.
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