By Julian Newman
Have you ever had a conversation with a dragon?
Most of us have. Because dragons do their best to encourage you and I to do things we should not do, watch things we shouldnt watch, or go places we should never be.
Most of us have heard of the Big
Dragons: Adultery, Murder, Stealing, Sex Outside of Marriage, Drug and Alcohol Addiction and many others.
Many of us, have been freed from the grip of the Big Dragons in our life.
But have you heard of the little dragons?
Little dragons are small. They can easily rest on your shoulder or can fit neatly into your pocket. They are easy to hide.
They dont take up too much space and are never loud. In fact, they never raise their voice.
They only whisper.
Whispering a little compromise here, or a rounded off corner there, they come off like little friends.
They are not large in size, but they are powerful whisperers, using their sweet voices to gently nudge us off the path that we should be traveling on.
Little dragons are deadly. They are subtle and seem harmless. They are the little temptations, minuscule concessions, and tiny doses of mediocrity. They are different for everyone and come in a variety of forms, and with a variety of whispers.
But little dragons are the offspring of Big Dragons, and can ultimately destroy our lives, our families, and our leadership.
Little dragons are lethal.
Remove them from your secret hiding places and destroy them.
Before they destroy you.
Beware of the little dragons.
Julian is the Lead Pastor of FC2, a growing community of believers where he and his wife Tiffany have been pastoring the church they were once youth pastors at for a year this March. He is a the proud father of three daughters and and an avid blogger. He loves sports, movies, books, his wife and family, and Jesus (not in that order!). You can reach him at