By Kim Daniels
We tried to get in touch with Shakira. You know, just to let her know just where all her $40 million went in response to the August 2007 earthquake in Peru. Seriously. We did. Haven’t heard back yet, but “yet” is, indeed, the key word. We’re here in Chincha, Peru for less than a week more, and are finishing out our time here. We’ve sought to give a voice to those who don’t have one, and we’ll continue to look for those opportunities as we go for the next 10 months. Thank you for all your prayers, and if any of you happen to run into Shakira on the street, please tell her to call me back. Here’s the video we sent her: Kim and her team are trying to raise funds that will go specifically to help improve the conditions for the people of Tambo De Mora and Los Jardines. If you’d like to donate, please click here.
Shakira… from Kim on Vimeo.
This video was made by Faith Luke and Dean Mongan.
If you liked this article, check out: Welcome to Canchamana: In the ruins of a Peruvian earthquake
Kim was raised in Southern California, and lived there for 15 years. She moved to Houston, Texas and spent six years there, three of them at Houston Baptist University studying music. She transferred to Hope International University in Southern California to finish her BM degree in Worship Arts while working on staff at Mission Viejo Christian Church. In January 2008, she embarked on an intense pilgrimage to 11 countries in 11 months. To follow her journey around the world, visit her blog.