God’s been speaking to me a lot lately in the bathroom.
I know that sounds weird. It kinda is.
It’s usually in the middle of my nightly routine of washing my face or brushing my teeth. When you live in a house with six other people, it’s moments alone (which are most likely in the bathroom) where the quiet voice can be heard the loudest.
Sometimes we have conversations, and I look at my reflection wondering why the apparently confident exterior doesn’t translate to my shaky insides. I sure don’t feel as put together as I may look.
But He says he’s proud of me. And I question why. But He still says He’s proud of me.
Other times it’s just random thoughts that jump to mind. Like, why are you thinking that about so and so? And you need to stop carrying that burden of fear and anxiety because I’ve already taken it from you. He knows how to have the last word, I’m coming to realize.
Life seems to make more sense when you’re in a bathroom stall sometimes. Don’t act like you disagree; it was often the place we ran to hide as broken hearted or embarrassed children in school or as an outcast high schooler. Even now it’s a place where I find peace and freedom. Because it’s safe (and multi-taskers can get things done).
I wonder what life would be like if it took lessons from a bathroom stall. Safe. Peaceful. Of course the world is full of opinions and feelings and beliefs, and peace for all nations is quite a task. But what if, at least, relationships looked a bit different? More open, more questions, more room for hearing that quiet voice.
Granted, life comes with walls just as people come with walls. Not to endorse graffiti, but what if we wrote life giving words and messages like we did explicit ones on bathroom stalls? I think God would appreciate that.
God’s been speaking to me a lot lately in the bathroom. About how life beyond the door is ok. How it’s scary and unknown but he’s got it all. He knows the shaky insides I may not show, and the shaky insides of others, too. So I keep listening. And staring at the reflection in the mirror, cause the eyes looking back at me have more depth to discover.