By Casey Barefield
The Wisdom of a Nicaraguan Day
Truth is best created in vulnerability and safety;
Love is best applied liberally and graciously;
Servant-hood is best displayed in a cheerful face and a joyous heart;
A Savior is best exemplified by a Death and a Resurrection.
The Gravity Above
Out of a kaleidoscope of vistas there comes a spiritual procession.
Through a profusion of times and places marches a cavalcade of warriors.
They are slaying the darkness because they see the full spectrum of faces and are witness to the power of creation.
With souls and spirits free, they feel the pulse of the earth and the gravity of the heavens.
Casey is 24 and graduated from the University of Southern Mississippi in December of 2005 with a major in Geography and minor in Biology. Hammocks are undoubtedly his favorite man-made craft of all time and sunsets his favorite God-creation. He enjoys reading, camping, playing Ultimate Frisbee, fishing, eating with friends, waterskiing, and a host of other outdoors and watersports activities.