By Jeanette Wheeler
We may be wealthy in America, but we need to see our own poverty of spirit. Identifying with the poor is not only part of the faith that Jesus gave to us; it is a sacramental part of our sanctification. In other words, walking with Jesus requires walking with the poor.
So, walk with me today through a dump in Diriamba.
This is your backyard
Your home
Your child’s playground
Your work environment
Your livelihood
In order to get food, clothing, or money for the day you have to search among acres of garbage working in trash, alongside cows…
working from dawn till dusk, rain or shine
The smells and toxic elements inhaled.
Reality Is
This is the neighborhood for over 300 people: men, woman, and children
This is the home and backyard of our friend Michelle, her husband and twin daughters
Precious, beautiful princesses do not belong here…where is the castle and pink dresses?
There is no vacation; young boys work to help their families
The widows and elderly don’t retire
A”day on the job” is a treasure hunt to search for things of “worth”
At the end of the day, the scales determine your wage…did you find enough?
A downpour doesn’t stop the progress you need to eat today
Your surroundings are dangerous: gangs and thieves, and whatever is hiding in the haystack today
I have been blown away, changed, convicted and blessed by those who are said to have “nothing.”
Truth Is
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is upon us
Because he has appointed us to bring good news to the poor. He has sent us to comfort the broken hearted.
He has sent us to tell those who mourn that the time of the Lord’s favor has come.
To all who mourn, He will give beauty for ashes,
Joy instead of mourning,
Praise instead of despair, for the Lord has planted them like strong and graceful oaks
For His glory!
Jeanette was born and raised in Michigan and a graduate of the University of Michigan. She works as an elementary school teacher in inner-city Detroit and spends her summers taking short term missions trips to a continent she loves: Africa. She has also spent time teaching in Brazil. Currently, Jeanette is taking on the nations as a member of The World Race.