Shelter seeking

A look on the floor of my tiny apartment and I ask myself, “What have I done this week?” Piles of books, papers, notebooks, bibles…hard to decipher letters…”I agree to waive testimony in this case.” (No.) And a line from a vintage Talking Heads song, “this is not my life”, mocks me in my despair. … Continue reading Shelter seeking

Along the broken road

I love the tag-line for, “when life as you know it doesn’t work anymore.” Aren’t we all a little wrecked? Disillusioned? A wee bit uncomfortable in the way this divine mystery unfolds? The winds howl, the assault continues on an unfortified people, folks are lost and lonely…and sometimes the truth of a loving God … Continue reading Along the broken road

Bird without a nest

  I am homeless right now. No adventure-driven leap into the arms of a God I cannot see to seek and save the lost. I am the bird without a nest. Sitting here, in an emptyish Tulsa apartment listening to the Sunday morning  traffic motor towards church or coffee or points unknown, tears fall for … Continue reading Bird without a nest

The Problem of Wealth: Reflections on Poverty in Kibera

By Laura Jacobs From Kenya: “He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his income, this also is vanity.” –Ecclesiastes 5:10 As we have walked around Kibera, sharing the Gospel and encouraging the believers, we’ve run into one central problem – money. No one has enough; everyone … Continue reading The Problem of Wealth: Reflections on Poverty in Kibera