
I had never quite known distress until I cut my first onion. The innocent act of attempting to make a burrito bowl was sabotaged when the essence of onion drifted up to attack my eyes. Suddenly, I was completely undone. I couldn’t see. Tears came unbidden to my eyes. Forget the burrito bowl. I was going … Continue reading Perspective

Always Plan A

This morning I got up with the squirrels and cheered on my favorite triathlon partner as she ran a race in Manhappiness. I sped by Starbucks to get caffeine and the Sunday edition of the New York Times (a favorite splurge) and motored out to the lake sans GPS. The sun rose to my right as … Continue reading Always Plan A

Lingua Wrecked

Lingua wrecked is sort of a “lingua franca” of those who wrestle in life; a connecting language that links your experience to my experience and to the life of that guy on the curb by the liquor store. If lingua franca is a “bridge language, a language systematically used to make communication possible between people not sharing a mother … Continue reading Lingua Wrecked